An Open Email (a.k.a. Update from India)

If I know and like you, you should have just received this.  If not, I don’t have your email address.  Or I just plain don’t like you.  Likely the former.  🙂  

Hello!  Happy holidays!  I hope you are enjoying them!  
Apologies in advance for the form email.  Some of you I unfortunately haven’t seen in ages; others of you, gratefully, I have. 
As some of you (especially those on Facebook) may know, I have been out of the country for the past 3 months volunteering among the leprosy-affected people of India.  Most of my work has been through an organization called Rising Star Outreach, which provides medical care, financial services (in the form of micro-credit loans), and education to leprosy patients and their children.  I have been fortunate enough to work in all of these areas in one way or another and am witness to both the great need of the people we visit and the great service provided by Rising Star to them.  Take, for example, the man that I met just a few days ago, who ate lunch out of a bucket with his fingerless hands as he loudly sang “Hallelujah” to anyone who would listen.  Or Vicky, the second grade boy with whom I read daily and who just yesterday blazed through four books with barely a pause; a month ago he could hardly read one!  Or Dorai Raj, a local leprosy-affected tailor whose leaky roof has forced him to move his sewing maching into the corner, but who still smiles radiantly whenever we drive up.  I love that smile and that man. 

All in all it’s a pretty awesome organization with some pretty awesome objectives.  And I’d like to invite you to help us acheive them!
There are at least three ways that you can help from home — and lots more than that if you want to come to India!  Each of the three is listed below.  Feel free to participate in any or all of them.  Any contribution helps — including just passing this email along to family and friends.
Thanks in advance for your time, support, and consideration.  I truly do appreciate it.  It’s funny: I’ve heard that “I complained because I had no shoes until I met the man that has no feet” quote all my life but I’ve never quite felt like I now do.  Today, on Thanksgiving, I am grateful for my hands – because I now know so many people without them.  I hope you have an awesome Thanksgiving and a memorable holiday season!  Please keep in touch.  I would love to hear from you!
All the best,
Option 1: Holiday gifts.  Most of our children have only a few sets of clothes and one pair of shoes, all of which of course have holes in them.  I am currently working on procuring holiday gifts all of our 180 children while simultaneously patronizing some of our leprosy patients’ micro-businesses.  For $10 we can buy pants, shoes, or a dress for one child.  For $5 we can buy a shirt or other small gifts (toys, dolls, etc).  If you are interested in helping buy gifts for the children, email me at with the amount you would like to donate (multiples of $10).  You can pay online at the RSO website by using these instructions.* 


Option 2: Project expenses.  While in Italy I met local artist named Leo Kennedy.  As we talked, Leo learned of my plans to come to India and, wanting to help, generously donated an entire stack of prints with the instruction to sell them and use the money for my work in India.  The print (below) is of the Amalfi Coast.  The price is up to you; Leo suggested a $20 donation.  Proceeds will go toward my work at RSO (e.g. project costs, living costs, etc) and I will be happy to either deliver it (DC area) or have it shipped.  And I will, of course, let Leo know the results of his generosity.  If you are interested, please email me at with your donation amount and mailing address.  Payments can be made online using these instructions.* 

Option 3: RSO wishlist.  Rising Star has a number of donation options, including its annual wish list.  If you’re interested in contributing to any of these items, please vist our website at: or join our mailing list at:

* If you prefer to pay by check, just let me know and I’ll work it out with you.
If you are interested in learning more about Rising Star, please visit our website at

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